How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Nine today! I kept them in cause of the wind and cold and it was crazy town in the chicken run!
The girls were perfect again today, 7 out of 7!

It seems like the eggs are all a little lighter brown in color since I pretty much quit giving the chickens produce scraps over the last few weeks. Maybe it's my imagination...

Edited to add:
With the chickens popping out so many eggs I've had to give 3 dozen away to my neighbors over the last few days.

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4 today…I think one of the Banty hens was laying on them because they were warm when I picked them up. I let them out to free range when I got off work so I didn’t see for sure, but a couple days ago she was sitting on them in the nest box. But she doesn’t refuse to go out or peck at me for taking them.


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