How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

4 again today! My girls are being very good to me, even though I’ve cut their excursion time down to just an hour. Just too much to do in the garden while the weather is clear!

We planted field peas (similar to green peas, not cowpeas in this case), in order to harvest as dry peas to sprout for the chickens. I was unsure how they’d feel about sprouted peas because they don’t eat the dry split peas in their food, but they got out today and went right into that plot to start slurping up the seedlings. No need to wonder if they’ll like them now!
7. My pullets are coming 16 weeks real soon so first eggs out of them are possible any time now. I need to start watching combs for color! Six are Sapphire Gems (blue birds, brown eggs) and five are Prairie Bluebell Eggers (mixed color birds, blue eggs) so I'm eagerly anticipating! :barnie
Eggciting! Last year my 10 pullets waited till they were 30 weeks before laying - oh the anticipation!!

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