How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Today was a 5 egg day, and all were well shaped and clean.

My chicken that always forages in overdrive hurt her leg or foot today. Noticed that she was limping a little. She let me pick her up (which is very unusual) and inspect her. I couldn't find any problems- no bumble foot anyway. I'm guessing she just strained something in her leg or foot. I'll keep an eye on her for the next week and see if she shakes it off.
I'm a little frustrated. When I look back over my calendar for the last month, it kinda looks like this (for number of eggs per day): 10, 8, 3, 7, 2, 8, 10, 3, 11, 10, 5.... etc,. I've had a light on for them until 7 pm every evening since mid-February. They should be laying consistently. Is somebody sneaking in and eating the eggs? Or are they really laying that erratically? Sigh. I think I need a camera.
I'm a little frustrated. When I look back over my calendar for the last month, it kinda looks like this (for number of eggs per day): 10, 8, 3, 7, 2, 8, 10, 3, 11, 10, 5.... etc,. I've had a light on for them until 7 pm every evening since mid-February. They should be laying consistently. Is somebody sneaking in and eating the eggs? Or are they really laying that erratically? Sigh. I think I need a camera.
Maybe some eggs are being laid somewhere else.
4 again! I was busy in the garden and didn’t have time to let them forage this morning. I guess they got bored and decided they might as well lay some eggs. Thanks girls!

I grafted over two peach trees that had been killed back to their rootstocks by deer. Cross your fingers for me that they take! :fl
:fl Keep us posted! That’s a skill I do not have but would love to have.

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