How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Catch-up time!

We've been having such wet, stormy weather - wind, hail, thunder & lightning, but mostly just rain, rain, rain. (6.68" total from this storm system.) I was ducking out during lighter showers to coop-clean, top off water & feed and collect eggs; no one wanted to come out & play or beg for treats. The girls were hiding out in their covered run and under the coop most of the daylight hours, venturing outside briefly whenever it let up a bit.

Suddenly the corner nest box is the ONLY acceptable one! Edna the Egger crowded in to lay with Martha the Whiting's True Blue, to Martha's grumpy displeasure, while the perfectly lovely, fluffy center box was unused by anyone - just its lowly fake egg in there.

Despite the cold & wet, the 8 girls gave me 5 eggs Sunday, 5 eggs Monday, 6 on Tuesday but today, the first dry, sunny warmish day in ages, only 3 eggs; too busy enjoying the nice weather to get serious and lay, ladies?
So being a new chicken parent, what do you do with the eggs? Do you preserve them? 11 dozen is a heaping helping of eggs!
We sell a few to coworkers, give some to family, and cook some egg heavy meals as well. My wife is planning to scramble 3-4 dozen this weekend to make a large batch of breakfast burritos for the freezer. Then the kids can pop them in the microwave before school in the mornings.

We are planning to put a sign out by the road and advertise eggs for sale on Craigslist and Farmish but have been sort of dragging our feet on that because until recently we didn’t have such an excess.

We did preserve a few dozen last summer by water glassing them. They got us through the winter season.
Only 9 today. It is possible that some of the girls laid in the yard and I haven’t found them. Today was coop clean out day so the nesting boxes were out of service for a while. My EE Marshmallow was really upset with me when she came looking for her nesting box.

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