How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

4 today!

When we went to let the girls out at 6am, Juillet was in the nesting box trying to lay, Mei and Août were encouraging her with a raucous chorus of the egg song in the round, and poor Juin was still trying to sleep through it!

I haven’t had much time with the chickens today, but am hoping to let them forage in a little while. There is a red-shouldered hawk that has been hanging around our property, and it makes the girls and I quite nervous. So with that, the rain and the construction workers, their outside time has been very limited lately.


The blush of blue on the top right egg indicates it came from Martha. The splotchy egg at the top probably came from Rahab.

Why the color? On Sunday I added food coloring to the Sussex hens' vents so I can identify which eggs are purebred.

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