How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Three eggs yesterday (Martha's blue, Edna's green, and Rhonda the RIR's big brown - happened to see her on the nest just before she laid so I know that brown is hers).

Today we had 4 - Martha again, Elsie the other Egger, Xenobia the Barred Rock (saw her on the nest at treat time and put her ball of eggy oatmeal in the nest box with her so she wouldn't miss out while"working" - she was pleased to nibble it while waiting for her egg to come) and whoever lays the big brown egg with a tinge of pink.

Much appreciated, ladies, especially since none of us are enjoying these days-on-end of cold rainy weather. At least we're mostly above freezing.
At 7AM there were already 5 nice eggs waiting for me, and another hen was sitting in the box getting ready to lay. I figured I should get the eggs ASAP so they don't freeze in the 21 degree weather. I gave them fresh water and a few handfuls of scratch grains to help them warm up.

Edited to add: Egg #6 was in the box at 8AM, and I'm pretty sure that will be all for today.

Edited again: The girls surprised me and gave me a 7th egg today! And then I accidently broke it! Doh!
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Two today, but one was in the run!

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