How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Yea I think I timed it wrong they turned 20 weeks old in November. I tried to time the young ones to start laying when the older ones slowed down. I started the second round too late. Hopefully things pick up soon
I guess it's possible. I'm thinking about getting a few new chicks in March or April. And when they start laying cull a few of my existing birds so I'm supporting fewer of them through the molt next summer or fall. And I want to make sure I have plenty of eggs through next winter.

I guess when chickens molt in late summer or fall, it's possible that they might not start laying again until the next spring. That's a lot of feed output with no return.
Five yesterday and five today, seems to be the current magic number. So each day, 3 of the 8 girls take the day off - wonder if they've worked out a rotating schedule among the brown egg layers? 🤔

The 2 Easter Eggers and Martha the WTB are the most regular, always at least one green egg and Martha's blue is there ~5 to 6 days a week.

First egg this morning was a beautiful and CLEAN brown; I put it in my top jacket pocket for safe-keeping after the RIR kicked it out of the nest onto the coop floor and rolled it around (she's SO much help when I'm cleaning!🙄), only to find it had cracked by the time I returned to the house. Lucky it didn't leak inside my pocket...but it'll be scrambled for the pups' dinner topping tonight.

Almost 3" of rain since yesterday, but I'll gladly take that over all the snow & ice so many of you are dealing with!😯
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normally my chic's are done laying before early dec. here. even the spring of the year ones. i got 6 R.I Reds and 6 copper marans from T.S.C in early June. the copper marans surprisingly started to lay 1st in mid sept. and all at once. the R.I Reds only a few and only started in late oct. im still getting 4-5 eggs a day and its mostly the c. marans. ive had chics for 40yrs and I've never still got eggs past dec. i dont use lights or heat. it must be our mild weather. we haven't had a night below 0 and usually have had quite a few by now.
my Olive Eggers are a Cuckoo Marans/Easter Egger cross (Townline hatchery) - they were my first to start laying, and are still laying. I had always heard that Marans were only OK layers, but now, with your info, I'm wondering how true that is. I had been thinking it was the EE genes that had them laying so well, as my EEs have always been my best layers.

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