How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

You eat 3 dozen eggs over a weekend!?
Not just me! 😂 I have a growing boy, who eats 8 himself, (4 each weekend day), plus DH & I who will eat 8-12 between the two of us depending on how many eggs we decide to throw in. Add another couple eggs for cooking. I don’t like to have less than a dozen in the fridge. When we get over 3 dozen stored, they go to the neighbors.
Not just me! 😂 I have a growing boy, who eats 8 himself, (4 each weekend day), plus DH & I who will eat 8-12 between the two of us depending on how many eggs we decide to throw in. Add another couple eggs for cooking. I don’t like to have less than a dozen in the fridge. When we get over 3 dozen stored, they go to the neighbors.
Our family of 4 eats about 5/day during the week. Less on the weekends because the kids want cereal.
13 🥚 outta 19 laying-layers and the colors are wonderful. 3 of my ladies are 5yo and 3 are 2.5yo so, hall pass.
That is a lot of eggs to munch on @Iluveggers . Now I want to make a quiche and or boil some eggs for some reason... 🤔😋 power of suggestion?
Lol sorry! We don’t usually eat hot breakfast on school/work days, so DS really takes advantage of extra weekend time! He loves scrambled eggs and toast probably more than any meal!

Would love to see a pic of all the color eggs!
I just happen to have a few not great photos. Still so chicken proud. 95% of photos in my phone are of chickens. The other 5% Is cats 🤦‍♀️

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