How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I just gave folks a bunch of eggs… this next batch the girls are laying I am going to experiment with… pickling, freezing, dehydrating,… and smoking them... etc
One of our daughters took 6 dozen yesterday. I have several dozen in the fridge I’ve been holding so they can be boiled and pickled. The really fresh ones don’t seem to peel easily, unless there’s a method to it I haven’t heard about. Ideas?
One of our daughters took 6 dozen yesterday. I have several dozen in the fridge I’ve been holding so they can be boiled and pickled. The really fresh ones don’t seem to peel easily, unless there’s a method to it I haven’t heard about. Ideas?
As soon as they are done boiling stick them directly in ice water.
One of our daughters took 6 dozen yesterday. I have several dozen in the fridge I’ve been holding so they can be boiled and pickled. The really fresh ones don’t seem to peel easily, unless there’s a method to it I haven’t heard about. Ideas?
I found that using a steamer basket and ice bath work pretty good. Put the steamer basket at the bottom of the pot, fill with water till it reaches basket. Steam for 13 minutes with cover on. Be careful that the water doesn't all evaporate. Then after 13 minutes immediately take then and put them in a big bowl of ice with water. Let cool. They peel like a charm. If you don't peel them right away and you stick them in the fridge it's really hard to peel. Warm them up and then peel it's easier but not as easy as peeling them right away.😊

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