How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Those are some crazy birds! We have 3 and they’re completely nuts.

Only 8 eggs today.
I love them so much! They’re very engaging and friendly, but not cuddly
Ours are very docile too, it’s taken quite a while for them to integrate with our Wyandottes. They mothered all the new babies I tossed in with them and never fuss at each other
Ours mothered the little guy really well. Up until he became a big boy cockerel, you could always find his little butt tucked underneath one of those Gems.
Well, one girl is out from wry neck (still trying to heal this), I have 7 roosters, over 20 young girls that haven't started laying yet, over 15 'retired' girls, you get the idea. Just waiting right now, and all my chickens once they stop laying they are considered a 'pet' so I don't usually cull them. :)
Sure, well acquainted with hospice birds. Kudos to you for being so patient and caring. Cull is a 4-letter word we don't use. Hope you get eggs soon:love

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