How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

and here I am babying mine because it was down to 19 degrees. In my defense though, they are florida chickens, not used to the bitter cold. first really cold day and I could tell. 3 of the 5 slept in the nesting box last night and the other two, it looks like they actually slept in the straw on the floor, looking at the poop patterns, so im thinking they got cold up there on the perches, even though i had them boxed in fairly well.

Hopefully this is the end of this weather and it gets warmer and they start laying again.

and here I am babying mine because it was down to 19 degrees. In my defense though, they are florida chickens, not used to the bitter cold. first really cold day and I could tell. 3 of the 5 slept in the nesting box last night and the other two, it looks like they actually slept in the straw on the floor, looking at the poop patterns, so im thinking they got cold up there on the perches, even though i had them boxed in fairly well.

Hopefully this is the end of this weather and it gets warmer and they start laying again.

It’s like when us northerners come down to Florida in April and are wearing tank tops & shorts and Floridians are still in jackets and pants. Lol. 19 is cold for Florida. ❤️
@Ascholten Short of having a biosecure facility, bringing backyard chickens indoors until later in February is what the state department of agriculture is recommending. At least in my garage they won't be directly exposed to any passing birds that may be carrying it.
Thank you for the info, ill have to look where its bad at and if i need to do something here. would crush me if the inside one got sick and died.


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