How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I got two eggs today from my two layers. I have four chooks and 2 are still pullets. The smaller of the two is from my favorite girl and it's her first egg! So tiny but so cute!

PS: Sorry! I know we shouldn't exhibit favoritism but I can't help it! :p

I know what you mean, when yer yard birds finally start earning their keep it is just so special. The first few eggs look like quail eggs, and seem to be tastier too IMO. I'll bring eggs into work and generally on the weekend we'll do up a nice breakfast, bacon, eggs, sausage, maybe hash browns etc. Ill say sorry bout the smaller eggs but she's just into it and the general reply is. Hey... it all makes a turd so it's all good :)
Cant argue with that now can you?

I know what you mean, when yer yard birds finally start earning their keep it is just so special. The first few eggs look like quail eggs, and seem to be tastier too IMO. I'll bring eggs into work and generally on the weekend we'll do up a nice breakfast, bacon, eggs, sausage, maybe hash browns etc. Ill say sorry bout the smaller eggs but she's just into it and the general reply is. Hey... it all makes a turd so it's all good :)
Cant argue with that now can you?


No you just gotta appreciate the fact that they're even producing for you! It's hard work! Just take whatever they can give.. it'll always be special. :)

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