How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Mine stop that fast think of summer solstice now winter solstice is the 21'st of December that is when days start getting longer again many of us are just waiting for that I did not get one for almost the last 3 months
Keep repeating chickens are fun, chickens are fun egg fry.gif
Yesterday I got 7 eggs from 8 pullets. Today only 3 eggs. I am trying a light in the coop to see if it encourages them to keep laying. It is on from 5:30 am to 6:30 pm.
One of the girls is a "prairie star blue egg layer". (If I remember the name correctly) Her egg is not any bluer or larger than the other EEs. :(
10 eggs today. There could be more eggs later, but I doubt it.

One silly hen got herself on the wrong side of the chicken fence. I tried to catch her but with my back hurting today wasn't able to do it. Hopefully she will figure out how to fly back over the fence and go to roost now that it is dark out!
5 or 6 today per sitter. She couldn’t remember. She says she’s got 30 total. That means average of 5 per day from 15 hens. Not great but not too bad given the time of year and molting.

Did I mention that I pickled some eggs for the first time? It’s been just over a week brining them so starting to eat them. So far so good!

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