How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

29 Eggs Today, talking about hatching, @630 am I noticed couple of hens we’re running around with something hanging in their beak like passing a football. When I got near them, I was horrified that they were fighting for a newly hatched chick lifeless and stripped of fur. :( One had hatched under a broody that I procrastinated to move or quarantined, I was beating myself up since it was day 20 and I still didn’t separate the broody. Needless to say I had to catch one of them to grab the lifeless chick from them and move the broody to a little room.
29 Eggs Today, talking about hatching, @630 am I noticed couple of hens we’re running around with something hanging in their beak like passing a football. When I got near them, I was horrified that they were fighting for a newly hatched chick lifeless and stripped of fur. :( One had hatched under a broody that I procrastinated to move or quarantined, I was beating myself up since it was day 20 and I still didn’t separate the broody. Needless to say I had to catch one of them to grab the lifeless chick from them and move the broody to a little room.
So sorry to hear that! :hugs
When I got up from my nap and checked the incubator I saw 2 eggs that had external pips but had not started to zip yet. Went to meet my daughter, pick up chicken food and get the codes read on my car. Got hour less than 2 hours later and both eggs had hatched!! :ya So I have 3 eggs left in the incubator. So far no pips that I can see. These were all started under the broody that I gave 6 chicks to raise, so there could easily be a few days between the first hatcher and the last one to hatch.

14 eggs today.
29 Eggs Today, talking about hatching, @630 am I noticed couple of hens we’re running around with something hanging in their beak like passing a football. When I got near them, I was horrified that they were fighting for a newly hatched chick lifeless and stripped of fur. :( One had hatched under a broody that I procrastinated to move or quarantined, I was beating myself up since it was day 20 and I still didn’t separate the broody. Needless to say I had to catch one of them to grab the lifeless chick from them and move the broody to a little room.
That's horrible, darn chickens. Mine caught and swallowed another mouse yesterday, so I know small moving things are on the menu, but didn't think they would actually eat a chick.
16 eggs today. Moved out the 4 chicks that have hatched ( added them to the broody with 6 chicks.) Have a brooder set up in that coop as well in case they need to get away. I think they will be fine because I have added staggered hatched chicks to her in the past.
The brooder is set up so that the chicks can get in it and get to the food and water but the adult chicks cannot get in there.
I left the remaining 2 eggs in the incubator. I will candle them later tonight.

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