How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

15 eggs today, but no eggs have pipped or hatched yet. Starting to get concerned

Edited to add that I went down stairs at 11:24 PM and I have 3 external pips and can hear chirping!! So hopefully by the time I get up in the morning I will at least have some chicks!! At least 2 of the 3 are from my backyard flock. I can't see the markings on the 3rd egg to determine if it is one of the shipped eggs or not. If it is, then it isn't one of the really dark eggs. Still holding out some hope that more will hatch and that some of those will be the shipped eggs. :fl
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Wow, I can hardly believe that no one has posted on here today!
I got 18 eggs today and this morning 5 chicks had hatched!! It was to humid to see whether any others were pipping or not. I'm going to go down and check in a little bit.

Went down to see how many chicks have hatched and I still can't tell. :lau They get too excited and start running around. I have at least 1 or 2 more with external pips so I couldn't open the bator to try to count them. :clap
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I hope everyone had a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend!! We had one of my sons here for a week with his 20 month old son! I also went and got my other son's 23 month old daughter and brought her over for the day.
6 of the eggs in the incubator ended up hatching. Only 1 of them was from the shipped eggs. I gave all 6 of them to the broody hen in the big barn and put the 8 eggs she was sitting on in the incubator. I'm going to candle them and the left over eggs that haven't hatched yet. I am going to eggtopsy the eggs that I believe to be clears and any that I believe are quitters.

I got 16 eggs today. My son's girlfriend and the other 2 boys ( + plus an unexpected cousin) came up today to pick him and his son up. So we got to spend several hours with all the grandsons before they left ( well, all of the grandsons from that family ) :gig
We do have another grandson from my husbands daughter. He went with us to the party with the 26 kids!
Wow, I can hardly believe that no one has posted on here today!
I got 18 eggs today and this morning 5 chicks had hatched!! It was to humid to see whether any others were pipping or not. I'm going to go down and check in a little bit.

Went down to see how many chicks have hatched and I still can't tell. :lau They get too excited and start running around. I have at least 1 or 2 more with external pips so I couldn't open the bator to try to count them. :clap

Awesome with your hatches! :jumpyWe were @graduation party with some relatives Sunday and end up helping the whole day prepping and clean up. I was so tired went to bed at 9:30 pm :thand woke up 10am Monday then went to a family cook out for Memorial celebs and was partying till midnight.:cool:

32 Eggs Sunday 38 Eggs yesterday
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