How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Tomorrow (Friday) is the last day with kids! But teachers have to go back next Tuesday and then Wednesday is the Summer school teachers meeting and Summer school starts on Thursday
Dang, they can't even give you a week between the end of regular school and the start of summer school! That is insane. The teachers need a break, the kids that have to go to summer school need a break!
39 Eggs Today, was official 24 chicks hatched out of 30 possibility, had to give one a warm bath last night since she was stucked glued inside a half zipped egg, never seen such a thing, she was balled almost hardened inside the egg. I stick it back in the incubator to dry, this morning she was fluffed and running around so she went under the brooder plate with the rest. Tonight she’s drinking and eating like a pro.

Dang, they can't even give you a week between the end of regular school and the start of summer school! That is insane. The teachers need a break, the kids that have to go to summer school need a break!
Normally we have a week or so between school and summer school but this year we used 6 snow days so they actually had to push back the start of summer school because the teachers would have still been in school on the 1st day of summer school!! We have to go back the Tuesday after Memorial Day.
6 today. Lost my best layer to a fox yesterday INSIDE the fenced area and in daytime. Trail of white feathers to the west fence line, through that and at the edge of the woods. I have 2 that are broody and one that just broke. Customers going to have to tighten their belts, not getting the 7 a day I need for them and of the 6 I got today, 2 were from the Exchequer Leghorns that can't even manage a USDA Medium egg, let alone Large so they don't get added to the sale cartons.

Keeping the broodies hoping they will raise the now 9 chicks I have ordered from Meyer that should be here on June 4th or 5th. If the girls reject the brooding area (Anais did last year) or the chicks, they go into the buster and the chicks will self raise with a Mama Heating Pad cave.
Bruce so sorry you lost one how horrible I know there is two from silky coop today
seems 7 from the main coop not seeming to miss Randi much either

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