How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I thought my egg count had gone down but with being away and then so sick last week I didn't think too much of it. I knew something was up when I yesterday there was only 5 eggs. I went and looked in the little coop where the silkies were (they wanted to go back with the rest of the flock so I let them and left it all open) and there was 15 eggs in there!!! Mystery solved!
Silly chickens, mine have been laying out of the boxes as well. While I was gone some decided to lay next to the cat box nest in the feed room. For whatever reason the chickens started hanging out in there this winter instead of staying in the run so I put some hay on the floor for them. While I use pine shavings in the nest boxes, apparently they decided that they should make nests in the hay on the feed room floor as well.

How many? LOTS! DW and DD2 did their best to keep track of who laid what while I was gone. Haven't entered it on the spreadsheet yet. Sold 2 dozen to my regular customers last Thursday, DD2 took 2 dozen to a guy at work. Sadly the ski area where she works closes after today so that is a 1 time customer. Still have 3-4 dozen in the refrigerator.
12 eggs for me again today.
On the bad news side, I found one of my hens dead in the chicken yard. No signs of attack. Am wondering if the tom turkey tried to breed her and broke her.:idunno:(
Someone on the turkey thread suggested I check her for a broken back and lots of bruising. Will try to do that tomorrow. I'm hoping that is not what happened because I don't want to get rid of the turkey or lock him up. He flies between the 2 chicken yards and usually spends the night outside perched on the top door cross piece between the 2 yards. I guess I could get him some more female turkeys ( but it would take a while for them to grow up), but I'm not sure that my husband would approve of that plan.:rolleyes: :confused:

That was a sad news:( sorry to hear. How old was the hen?
That was a sad news:( sorry to hear. How old was the hen?
I'm not 100% sure but she appeared to be one of the more recent layers. So probably around a year.
I have been trying to come up with a good way to band or tag them so I can keep track of how old the different birds are. However both methods I have tried in the past did not work out well for me or some of the birds. I bought some of the different colored split ring type plastic bands in the size listed for my birds. However some of them slipped off and others had their leg grow into the band.:sick It was quite gross and I'm sure very painful for the chicken (especially when I had to remove the band).
The other method I tried was using different colored zip ties. But I had similar issues as well as 1 chicken that some how managed to get it's toe of the same leg stuck up in the zip tie!

So I am still trying to find a better method for keeping track of the ages of the various hens in the flock.
I'm not 100% sure but she appeared to be one of the more recent layers. So probably around a year.
I have been trying to come up with a good way to band or tag them so I can keep track of how old the different birds are. However both methods I have tried in the past did not work out well for me or some of the birds. I bought some of the different colored split ring type plastic bands in the size listed for my birds. However some of them slipped off and others had their leg grow into the band.:sick It was quite gross and I'm sure very painful for the chicken (especially when I had to remove the band).
The other method I tried was using different colored zip ties. But I had similar issues as well as 1 chicken that some how managed to get it's toe of the same leg stuck up in the zip tie!

So I am still trying to find a better method for keeping track of the ages of the various hens in the flock.

I’m also trying to find a good “identifiers” for my hens, since I have multiple Black Copper Marans and Black Australorps ages 7 months to 4 years old. Right now I can tell all their ages but soon they will all look alike at some point.
As my birds are not pets I am unable to say I look at legs thicker leg older bird.. know some EE are at least 4 know a few are 5 my one EO is 5 but all are from breeders not hatchery

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