How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

drizzle mostly today lots of oh my pain did I really get that much done
went to see thew auction go blue brought in 18 not 4 cockerel's from February hatch made
16.50 each so 47. not bad raise em up a bit they go better than pullets

right now 9 of 18
Wow! That's great. I wish we had an auction house like that around here.

15 eggs today. Very rainy & cold most of the morning. Cleared up around 2, but still pretty chilly. 1 of the eggs I pulled was chirping
and has hatched out! There are 2 more eggs in the incubator, but they look like they are only around day 8 or so. Unfortunately, I did kill one chick.
I had float tested the eggs, except the 1 chirper & the 2 that I could see were still at the early stage. I knew I had an egg or 2 that was stinky, but couldn't figure out which ones. So when I float tested them, 2 sank, 2 floated about 15% out of the water & 1 floated almost half out and on it's side. So I gathered the 2 sinkers and the side floater to toss. I always open the ones I toss so I can see what was happening. 2 of them were stinky and 1 of them had a little blond chick that looked to be just a fews days away from hatching.
By then it was way too late to do anything to try to save it. I still feel bad about that. I'm pretty sure it was one of the sinkers, so maybe it wouldn't have been able to hatch any way due to a lack of air sack.
Got 8 eggs yesterday. This is great, because it confirmed my beliefs that 8 of my LF hens are laying, including my Black Australorp Ethel who just turned 6 years old. That just leaves 2 LF hens, one that I know hasn't laid in a couple years.
According to the farm boy and hubby, we've gotten average of 20eggs a day all week. Hubby thought 1 or 2 were ceramic so he lost those. He laid out and cleaned eggs that needed it, also sold 2 dozen to our hospital customer!
I'm just very impressed how much he is taking over the chickadee duties while we are at children's hospital the past week.
I was warned we have over abundance of eggs now though..
what to do what to do...
According to the farm boy and hubby, we've gotten average of 20eggs a day all week. Hubby thought 1 or 2 were ceramic so he lost those. He laid out and cleaned eggs that needed it, also sold 2 dozen to our hospital customer!
I'm just very impressed how much he is taking over the chickadee duties while we are at children's hospital the past week.
I was warned we have over abundance of eggs now though..
what to do what to do...

If any are fertile put an ad in Craigslist, people are looking for hatching eggs! Sell those for more of course!
Friday 11/14
Saturday 8/14
Cold, windy, and lots of rain the last couple days. It's a wonder I got any eggs at all.

Weekly total with one sick and one molting of 14: = 66
Need a rooster or 3? I have several that love hearing themselves. However they are only 5 months old and still don't know how to crow...2 do not crow at all but are chasing the girls so....
awww I'd love to depending on breeds, but we had a rooster from April to Nov then had to give him away. Started being very aggressive and nearly killed several girls (pecking eyes). So we can't do anymore for now. Thank you though. I'd love to have been able to do that idea.

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