How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

17/21 I would say the 23 yesterday was a fluke
or was I delirious since I called off work sick
I had one go broody but she was quite young but took three live happy chicks on at a time
to her she accepted them was like 4 days then one by one found them dead in the corners
That's always so disappointing and sad.

No! It's chicken holiday!
Maybe they decided they needed a day off after all the overtime working on Easter!

16 eggs today. I found out that my coworker gave me 4 Golden Comet chicks and 2 Speckled Sussex chicks. She had bought them for Easter for her grandkids. She did ask me before hand if I would be willing to take the chicks from her after Easter because she only wanted them for a couple of days! Hey, who am I to turn down free chicks?

So I have 14 chicks in the brooder, 2 that I have hatched, 2 Black copper Marans that I bought when I thought I was only going to have the 1 chick hatch, 6 meat chicks that I got from school after they hatched and now the 5 chicks my coworker gave me. I also have 3 Bronze turkey poults that I bought. Then there are the 4 chicks in the "barn yard" that Momma broody is raising and the 11 eggs that the other broody is still sitting on!

I hope my hubby can handle everything when I leave on May 4th to drive to Bowling Green, Ohio to pick up my daughter from college. He is a very reluctant chicken keeper.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Chicken eggs 19

Turkey egg the crows are faster then I am so Zero

The geese are still sitting on the nest but they are down to 6 eggs that I can see and two geese are fighting over the nest for the week so there is no silence in the yard as the rest of the gaggle are in a constant uproar

Temp in the low 80's with winds on and off all day and night

Monday night hatch

My little Marines chick

Cactus flower

Ya the city people are taking photos of these as they last a very shot time

A lot of people lined up to take a shot of this one ,,,, how funny .....

My driveway and yes I am fixing a few pot holes ... Can you believe city people come
driving up my driveway to take photos of desert flowers ....

Some grouse have hatched out some chicks on my road and they move fast or my camera needs them to be closer for a half decent photo ....... Maybe next time .....

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