How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

First time 4/4! 100%
great to here theceltichorse here went picked a silkie for me yesterday
she had hatched a incubator of 8 day before so pop the lone silkie
they are the same size for a bit... hopefully she will grow to be a broody for me??????
Nice! Good luck. Now the wait begins. My barred rocks have gone broody the most often for me. I'm surprised none of yours have.

posting really quick

Happy Easter this is what was in my Easter basket
Cute chick! My hubby keeps mentioning "us" (me) getting a bantam chick, but I'm not interested. I think my dog would think it was a snack.

Nice egg count!

15 eggs for me today. I hope everybody had a great Easter! I checked under my 2nd broody a little while ago and there were no chicks yet. I candled 2 of the eggs, I was very full and the other was not very full. So she is definitely doing a self induced staggered hatch, which is what I suspected. So, I will have to keep a close eye on her and when she decides to abandon the nest I will put the remaining eggs in the incubator and see what happens.
Happy Easter Gander! Are you going to be able to spend Easter with your family? I remember last year you put a goose or duck? egg up as the Easter egg hunt prize for the kiddos. well, whatever you do, I hope you have fun doing it

Alright karenerwin, hope your Easter went great !!!!!


Chicken eggs 9 again

Easter went off with me donating 8 dozen eggs to one of the local Churches for their Easter egg hunt

Temp mid 80's by 09:00 ya it was a cooker
That is wonderful, I have had 3 slow months getting 1 to 2 eggs a day and have 11 ducks. Just picked up to 3 eggs a day, I probably will have a busy summer though.

I think they were making up for giving me 6 eggs the day before :D They usually give me 8 eggs a day though. I have White Layers and Golden 300s that are bred specifically for egg-laying, so that may be why :) I also have one duck who consistently lays a blue egg, still haven't figured out who it is :D
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