How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Yes karenerwin, this happens all the time nothing is perfect and as a breeder you can really only hope for close to perfect ...


Chicken eggs 14 eggs found

Temps 79F degrees clear skys but a bit of wind all day .
if the boys are carrying him watch his feet her could spur the boys
and injure them.. What breed of hens do you have?

My girls have given me 12 of 18 so far

I have small hens like RIR and Barred Rock. I need to find this big boy a home or get him a female. My poor babies are running for their lives and hide under everything or jump up high so he cannot get to them. I'm afraid he will kill one if he tries to mate, I'm not sure where my brain was at the time!
we had our first 6/6 eggs yesterday, woot! we had a rough winter with long molts and low counts. it dawned on me that last year I added a second level to the coop, walling in an upper brooder area for our meat birds, this blocked light from getting to the window I had put on the inner coop. So I went to the window store and got some more seconds and added three small windows to the exterior of the coop. within just a few days we went from 1-2 a day to 3-5 and now 4-6, it kind of blew my mind how much of a difference more light made. it of course also helped that the days are getting longer but I was concerned when I would come down at 10 AM and some of the hens were still roosting. after putting the windows in, they started staying up later and getting up earlier and this appears to have had an immediate effect on ovulation.
Yes karenerwin, this happens all the time nothing is perfect and as a breeder you can really only hope for close to perfect ...


Chicken eggs 14 eggs found

Temps 79F degrees clear skys but a bit of wind all day .
Hi Gander, good egg count! How long do we have to wait until we know if the broody geese are successful? The 1 Black Penedesenca chick that was of good color, died yesterday. I had noticed the night before that it's beak was starting to look like it was cross beaked. It, the chick, also didn't seem to be as hardy as the other one. I was thinking I would have to cull it, but when I got home from work yesterday, it was already dead. Do you know if cross beak is genetic? I'm going to research it, but thought you might know.

17 eggs today.

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