How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

7 so far of 18 three more in a nest with another girls there also
girls finding new unique places to lay their eggs so it seems
few more hours up to 11
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18/21 - couple broke in the nest, finally weather broke we have 72* today.
My younger brother and his wife came up last weekend and visited for several days and today she put up the photos she took wile here and it was close to a hundred or so some were of my brother and I digging for gold at the mine and the rest were of my geese ducks guinea hens and chickens from the desert a grouse rabbit and some quail but 60 or so of the photos were of the wild mules donkeys and horses how funny some people are .

Yeah, Who would take pictures of wildlife? When there are chickens about? Chickens, things related to chickens, are all you'll find for pics on my phone.
4/5 so far today. GC

I so agree @GC-Raptor, I think with all the work I put in to the birds in my yard I should be getting a bit of attention also .

Friday egg count

Chicken eggs 8 found
ya a lot of the girls are slouching off and it isn't even a 110F degrees day and night yet

Temps only in the low 70's with cloud cover and light winds, I guess the wild flowers just might make it to Easter before passing away
7 so far of 18 three more in a nest with another girls there also
girls finding new unique places to lay their eggs so it seems
few more hours up to 11
They are practicing hiding eggs in anticipation of Easter!!


Chicken eggs 8 found

Turkey eggs 2, I must have mist her egg yesterday

I managed to sell five more of my EE chicks today

The goose is still sitting on the nest under the porch

Temp low 70's and a bit windy but clear skys all day

My younger brother and his wife came up last weekend and visited for several days and today she put up the photos she took wile here and it was close to a hundred or so some were of my brother and I digging for gold at the mine and the rest were of my geese ducks guinea hens and chickens from the desert a grouse rabbit and some quail but 60 or so of the photos were of the wild mules donkeys and horses how funny some people are .
I hope your goose has a good hatch!! I only ended up getting 2 chicks from my 8 eggs. 3 others were fully formed, 1 had internally pipped. The other 3 were real early quitters. A couple of experienced guys on the Penedesenca thread have given me some tips, so I'll try again in a month or so.

Temps yesterday were in the mid 70's today it's overcast and much cooler.

12 eggs yesterday, 17 eggs on Thursday. I now have 2 broodies in the main coop.

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