How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I hope for more then the 1 or 2 eggs that are lay`d every morning.It has been a slow laying 3 months. Of the 11 duck hens. I get one or two a day. Most of them have very heavy bottoms so I know they are heavy with eggs.
Never was this slow last year.
Well need to go explore the chicken yard aka old garden
where they roam as only six in the coop of 18 didn't stop laying looking in the brush
soon nothing found but there is a gap between a set of nesting boxes
girls who get chased from the nesting boxes lay there, 5 there hmm
are they all from yesterday? girls in boxes so see how it winds up at the end of the day
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22/25 today I got 24/26 last week Go Chickens
I just got 5-buff arpingtons hensthis past Thursday. One made a nest on the ground next to door and has laid 5-eggs today and two yesterday. 4- of them are about one year old, and the other is 4-months old

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