How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

A good reason to candle eggs, even if you don't sell, give or incubate. My first frozen egg candled Light off I would have missed that crack. Will eat myself tomorrow.
5/5 today. GC
Definitely! I had one day where we were gone and some eggs froze. I picked them out as soon as I brought them in and separated them. Just like Karenerwin, I would not have known they had frozen had I not picked them out that night. I candled them the next night to show the guys and couldn't find the cracks on two of those eggs.

I fed everything back to the chickens from that day, including the non-frozen, non-cracked eggs. Do you find the eggs is more watery if the egg has started freezing to a gel state, but not cracked? I found a few of the ones I fed back to the girls watery and the yolks broke open easier.

Quote: That's a hard call. I'm not familiar with the barred rock breed regarding broodiness. I had a Silkie cross who is determined to set on the nest even if she hatches out eggs. I also have a tiny Silkie cross that will take any egg or chick you can give her. I can keep giving her chicks and she keeps taking them. The Silkies I have here are really easy going though, I can lift them up to gather eggs, put them out, put them back on any nest and they just roll with it. The only thing I can't do is stop them from setting.

You won't know unless you try it. You'd probably need time to keep an eye on everything and you've had a lot on your plate. It might add another level of stress you don't likely need at the moment.
I wish I knew people who sold chicks close to me, I always have to hit Atwoods. I did hear there's a tractor supply in Purcell that has geese so I might take that little drive since it's quicker than going to Norman. No eggs yet today but geese laid yesterday. I found another egg from Lucy smashed, Laverne has done this twice. Is it normal for geese to destroy another female's eggs? She picks on Lucy often, I think it's because Lucy is the wife and Laverne is his mistress. Jealousy level is extremely high.
No this is not normal for one goose to destroy another gooses eggs that is a goose behaving badly. My girls have maid several nest since November and one nest I found recently wile cutting down some stage brush and there were 13 big goose eggs in the nest what is common is for a goose to break chicken and duck eggs in my yard but rarely is a goose egg broken by another goose but the biggest offender is the crow in my yard . Yes jealousy in the goose community as funny as it sounds is very common and my flock is over 10 years old well that is the common age anyway and if you watch any gaggle you can see the hierarchy .
10 in 2 days from 6 hens. 4 are first year and 2 are 3 years old.
Two big red ones in the middle from RIR. Two slightly brown ones bottom right from Australorp. Two light ones bottom left from the two barred rock 3 yr olds, and the 4 pink ones at the top are Brahma and buff Orpington. I love identifying my eggs. Is that wierd?
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