How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Almost forgot, 15 eggs today (including the 4 I left for the broody hen).
Are you thinking of giving the eggs/chicks to your barred rock? This opens opens up new

I've got 9 hens taking turns going broody.

I just put a few of them in the kennel thi morning so they wouldn't disrupt the others laying eggs while I was gone today.

Chicken eggs 7 found and 4 of the eggs are being set aside for the incubator .

The geese are still taking turns sitting on the nest and all the girls look so funny after donating their down to the nest .

Well another four chicks showed up today and as you can see are on the way so right now there are a total of 8 chicks running around

Temps mid 80's all day and by 11am I headed home looks like it is going to be a hot year again and I now have two of the five miles of road passible and once I get the water flowing the birds will join as long as the Donkeys don't mind, funny I put out some chicken scratch on the road and the wild Donkeys eat it and walked on and packed the new sand on the road well there are no wild sheep this low and it is ill-legal to feed or in any way interact wild sheep anyway so I just use the Donkeys .

I purchased this incubator in 1997 and it is very basic the temperature gauge and humidifier are manual only so I have to adjust everything the key point is the turner and as funny as it sounds most people I have seen have lost most of their eggs do to lack of turning or not washing their hands also if you smoke or around smokers you should use rubber gloves this goes for gasoline or oils re killers to eggs . The turner will work for many years as this one I finally changed out last year and the motor will last for several years with constant use . Also remember every location is different so the best thing to do is keep the incubator in an area where the temps are constant day and night with little wind and very little opening so really any incubator will work is how you control the environment around the incubator and today there are very nice incubators out there for sale with controlling temps and humidifiers .

Happy incubating and may you have many happy hatches

I gave a neighbor two dozen eggs and he got a new incubator but no turner and I was called over to his house after 22 days and no hatch, so I knew he got a brand new incubator so off I go to look at the problem and yes he smokes and he was only turning the egg by hand twice a day,,, ya he had the good equipment but he broke too many rules and no hatch ... Also he is taking a brake as he is reading way to many books and none of them tell how to hatch in the desert and Death Valley California is a desert so different tricks for different places . And he is hard headed and wont listen to good advice and smoking in the house the chicks probably wouldn't live anyway . And that is a shame as the chicks would only need to be put in a bird cage the temps are in the mid 80's right now so it is a shame the eggs were healthy when he picked them up . The lady he is friends with gives my chickens free lawn grass so he got the eggs for free would a waste .

1 goose egg and 1 chicken egg. It's freezing outside and I'm wondering whether or not the goose egg is okay, it isn't cracked but boy is it cold. Still looking at incubators but I'll definitely be getting one with an egg turner since my boys are crazy and wild I would be sidetracked and forget. Thank you Gander007 for the info on incubators, it was very helpful!

Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls Ever

This recipe is hands down the Best Homemade Cinnamon Rolls Ever. The perfect soft, fluffy, gooey cinnamon rolls are right at your fingertips. This is the only recipe you'll ever need.
Author: Rachel Farnsworth
Yield: 12 cinnamon rolls
  • 1 cup warm milk
  • 1 tablespoon instant dry yeast
  • 2 tablespoons white granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3 tablespoons salted butter, softened
  • 1 large egg
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • ½ cup salted butter, melted
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons ground cinnamon
  • 4 ounces cream cheese, softened
  • ¼ cup salted butter, softened
  • 1 to 1½ cups powdered sugar
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons milk
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  1. In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine warm milk, yeast, sugar, salt, butter, and eggs. Add in flour. Using a dough hook, turn the mixer on to a low speed.
  2. Once the flour starts to incorporate into the dough, increase the speed to a medium range. Add more flour as necessary so that the dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl. The dough mixture should be tacky, but not stick to your hands. It should be soft. Add more or less flour until the dough reaches the desired consistency. The amount of flour you add in bread making is always an approximation and you should go by feel.
  3. Transfer the dough to a lightly greased mixing bowl. Cover with a towel and let rise until double in size, about 1 hour.
  4. Lightly grease a baking sheet. Punch down the dough and roll into a 12inch by 18inch rectangle.
  5. Brush the dough with ½ cup melted butter. In a small bowl, combine the brown sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle on top of the melted butter. Roll up tightly lengthwise so you have one long roll. Use plain dental floss or a sharp knife to cut the dough into 12 one-inch slices.
  6. Place the slices onto a lightly 9x13 pan. Cover and let rise 30 to 45 minutes.
  7. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Bake the rolls for about 14 minutes, until just kissed with brown on top.
  8. While the cinnamon rolls are baking, make the cream cheese glaze by using a hand mixer to whip together cream cheese and butter in a bowl until light and fluffy. Whip in powdered sugar and vanilla extract. Add enough milk to achieve a drizzle-like consistency.
  9. Frost the rolls while still warm. Serve immediately or cool and store. Stays good for 4 to 5 days.
***Some have reported under cooked rolls. Cooking time is dependent on the size of your rolls and oven. You should cook the rolls until they have just a kiss of brown on the top. If they don't have a kiss of brown, they probably aren't done. Cooking time may be upwards of 18-20 minutes.
This sounds fantastic! Now I know what to do with all those eggs coming my way in 6 or 8 months! Thanks!

Chicken eggs 7 found and 4 of the eggs are being set aside for the incubator .

The geese are still taking turns sitting on the nest and all the girls look so funny after donating their down to the nest .

Well another four chicks showed up today and as you can see are on the way so right now there are a total of 8 chicks running around

Temps mid 80's all day and by 11am I headed home looks like it is going to be a hot year again and I now have two of the five miles of road passible and once I get the water flowing the birds will join as long as the Donkeys don't mind, funny I put out some chicken scratch on the road and the wild Donkeys eat it and walked on and packed the new sand on the road well there are no wild sheep this low and it is ill-legal to feed or in any way interact wild sheep anyway so I just use the Donkeys .
So cute! Thanks for the inspiration! Got some in the bator right now. Due to hatch next week!
A good reason to candle eggs, even if you don't sell, give or incubate. My first frozen egg candled
Light off
I would have missed that crack. Will eat myself tomorrow.
5/5 today. GC

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