How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

See I was 8 when we left Wisconsin for Washington state Daddy
told Mom it don't snow there
1968, 1969 was a record shaking
snow storm here
had very few since we rarely see much everything but us shut down
it is fun going to see the d**n california ingrates that see 1/4 think it's a blizzard
She is a mixed breed, out of an EE egg by a Cochin rooster. Here she is!
Beautiful olive egg!!!! Congrats!!
My silkie just laid her first egg!!! Well maybe it was my Buff Orpington, but she is only like 12 weeks old! I am sooooo excited. This my first flock of chickens also, so this is my FIRST egg EVER:th :celebrate
Awesome! Congrats! Gotta love those first eggs! Oh, edited to add I got 6 eggs today.
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