How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Glad to here things are calming there we actually had a small taste of spring here last two day's
came across a moving outfit that put moving crate sides out letting people take them I have
a new coop as we picked up 9 total sides
Nice find!! I love when that happens. The girls will love having a new space to hang out.

Hey Gander "Mountain" were going to have snow the next 3 days, then a day break then 2 more days of snow. You can have them all LOL. Am sure @karenerwin and I doesn't mind, my 8 wk old chicks are ready to go outside.
Spartan, not sure how close you are to Bowling Green, Ohio. My daughter goes to school there. She won't be thrilled to hear more snow is on the way!!

karenerwin, do you think you could send us some snow well at least for our mountain top as they melted off today ..


Chicken eggs 7 found

Temp 84F degrees so I had to stop working by 11 am . nice day clear skys and no wind not even a cool breeze .
Gander, I was all set to gather up the snow to send to you, but it all melted about an hour after it stopped!! We didn't even get an inch.

5/5 today. Ended up eating 2, lost 3. Yeah, I dropped the collection pail, second time since my girls started laying. Was 14F at to time and was wearing gloves and carrying a gallon water jug and the pail in my left hand and the pail fell and smashed 3, cracked 2. Well I scrambled the 2 cracked eggs on this pancake Sunday at my house. So I lost 3 today, for a total of 7 lost in over 7 months of of egg collecting. Yeah, I'm Clumsy. Don't let me collect your eggs, unless you want, SCRAMBLED.
A little less wind today. Temp 18F, 14 mph wind, gusting to 23, wind chill 8F. A Noreaster coming Tuesday, 6 to 12+ inches of snow predicted with Blizzard conditions. OUCH. I so want spring. GC
My dog & hens love it when I drop some eggs. I scrambled up a half dozen eggs for the girls today. They have been laying so well that I had 144 eggs in the kitchen!!
I did manage to sell 2 dozen today, but I still have over 10 dozen

Do you mean, what am I feeding them for pellets? We'll I actually don't know, my mum buys the food... why shouldn't they be eating the eggs?
They lay the eggs for you to eat. We do crush up the egg shells and feed those back to them as well as offer oyster shell free choice. I do have 1 hen who has developed a taste for eggs. She has been moved into the meat chickens coop. Turns out she isn't even laying eggs herself anymore.

18 eggs from my girls today.
Our girls are slacking! Lol not bad. They were up to 22 but yesterday we got 16. Still fighting this egg cracking crud:/ going to be a real test for next 4 wks as we are gone 5+ hrs a day for dialysis training.
Son is stage 5 CKD so that's the only option now but we have to train before beginning home dialysis. Prayers and thoughts as we start this. Nervous and his anxiety are kicking in.

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