How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


Chicken eggs 7 found

Geese are funny to watch right now as they are fighting over who gets to sit on the nest

Temp mid 70's all day no winds .

I took this photo a couple of days ago after we startled each other, If you cant see the donkey's very well then tap on the photo to enlarge it . These small cameras are really for close ups not for 50 yard shots .
Beautiful pictures! I especially like the bottom picture with the donkeys in it.

16 eggs today. I have over 10 dozen eggs sitting on my counter.


Well my oldest teenage boy Ben, turned 18 today 10 March 2017

Chicken eggs 8 found and two of them are going into the incubator

The three geese are still fighting over the nest .

Temp mid 70's most of the day and clouds rolled in for several hours but at 4:30 am Saturday morning clear skys and a beautiful moon was out lighting everything up ...

Anyway I was out shopping for a new car that I could take off road and the other prospectors would not laugh at me for not having my truck .
Well I shoveled half of chicken pen yesterday morning and sun came out late afternoon and chickens ventured out. Today chickens come out from under coop for short periods of time, but are staying under coop most of the time on this mostly sunny day. Why? you ask. Well looks can be deceiving, until you hear the wind from inside the house.
Temp 19F, winds 18 mph, gusting to 34. Wind chill 8F. Clouds are rolling in as I type this. 25% chance of snow this afternoon.
5/5 today. GC
I have 10 of 19 last run through 15 minutes ago had the dogs out
rare day here listening to old music I mean old this is my Mother's LP
collection 100 or so strong original Elvis LP's, Farron Young and
Sonny James or Roy Drusky... I am the only one home had it loud singing along
Well I shoveled half of chicken pen yesterday morning and sun came out late afternoon and chickens ventured out. Today chickens come out from under coop for short periods of time, but are staying under coop most of the time on this mostly sunny day. Why? you ask. Well looks can be deceiving, until you hear the wind from inside the house.
Temp 19F, winds 18 mph, gusting to 34. Wind chill 8F. Clouds are rolling in as I type this. 25% chance of snow this afternoon.
5/5 today. GC
What size batteries do your chickens use? Lol
What size batteries do your chickens use? Lol
Ha Ha. AA, 3 per chicken. Had to replace in 2 pullets last Wednesday. First time I only got 3 eggs a day.
The tricky part of replacing batteries is 2 get inserted positive end in and the other negative end in over the other 2. Get it wrong and the chicken will fall over.
I find the copper top last longer.
Despite only getting 3 eggs Wednesday, I still got 32 this week, Sunday through Saturday. GC
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