How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

@Duckee & @GC-Raptor same here, strong wind yesterday lost a tree, lost power for few hours, power lines down and hens were all huddled in the coop.

Today beautiful sunny
day, tonite snow and dropping to teens tomorrow
winter is back. 15 Eggs today
@Spartan22 [@]GC-RaptorGC has no worries of weather. All her hens lay daily, even in blizzards! I wonder what size batteries they take? LOL
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Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Chicken eggs 19

Geese three different geese are fighting for position to sit on the nest .

Temps staying in the high 70's and light winds
Sweet egg count
I had somewhere between 15 and 19, I lost count because I gathered them 3 separate times since I was working outside before the rain. I have to buy some tarps tomorrow to cover the peach trees, they are starting to blossom and we have freeze warnings for Saturday till some time on Sunday.
I got 7 today, my highest count since they started to lay 2 weeks ago. It's amazing how the days getting longer can stimulate the girls to lay eggs after taking the entire winter off. Weather certainly has little to do with laying. We're expecting up to 14 inches of new snow tonight and another front coming through in a few days with more snow. I'm tired of snow. Haven't seen the ground in my yard since mid Nov.
ah heck we are getting webbed feet here it is raining every day all day
I used to live in WA. Remember the rain day after day. Everything was damp. The one advantage that Montana has over Washington is that we get sun a lot in the winter. That makes it all more bearable. I really hated the gloom. One year while I lived in WA we drove to Spokane in the beginning of July because I wanted to finally see the sun.


Chicken eggs 7 found

Geese are funny to watch right now as they are fighting over who gets to sit on the nest

Temp mid 70's all day no winds .

I took this photo a couple of days ago after we startled each other, If you cant see the donkey's very well then tap on the photo to enlarge it . These small cameras are really for close ups not for 50 yard shots .
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