How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

You just be safe please

Thanks! We made it through just fine.

15 eggs yesterday
25 eggs today

We're in the middle of a blizzard, zero visibility and it's snowing. Gathered the last 8 eggs tonight, slipped and fell on my butt (and hip) on the snow covered ice, and lost my eight eggs.

I even bent my basket.

Oh, no! I hope you didn't get hurt! Better that you busted your eggs & not your hip!

4-5 eggs a day from 5 RIR.

I got 19 eggs from 24 hens today.
We're in the middle of a blizzard, zero visibility and it's snowing. Gathered the last 8 eggs tonight, slipped and fell on my butt (and hip) on the snow covered ice,  and lost my eight eggs.:hit
I even bent my basket.:barnie :mad:   Doggonit!

Oh, no!  I hope you didn't get hurt!  Better that you busted your eggs & not your hip! :lau

So true! :gig I made certain to walk a wide path around the ice And I was able to bend my basket back into shape. It's metal...who knew! I thought it was cheap plastic...:lau

30 eggs today.
They seem to lay the best during crappy weather.!
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We're in the middle of a blizzard, zero visibility and it's snowing. Gathered the last 8 eggs tonight, slipped and fell on my butt (and hip) on the snow covered ice,  and lost my eight eggs.:hit
I even bent my basket.:barnie :mad:   Doggonit!

Oh, no!  I hope you didn't get hurt!  Better that you busted your eggs & not your hip! :lau

So true! :gig I made certain to walk a wide path around the ice And I was able to bend my basket back into shape. It's metal...who knew! I thought it was cheap plastic...:lau

30 eggs today.
They seem to lay the best during crappy weather.![/quote]
Yep, mine like tornado weather apparently! Lol

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