How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Broken eggs as in weak shells? Or broken eggs as in pecked and broken by the hen/hens?
definitely not weak or softer shells, broken eggs by hens. One possible was this morning, pullet laid out of box and all I saw was wetness and sticky. Nothing to prove if egg or not.
However, there are plenty of nesting boxes, they only use 3 of the available 7. Great at taking turns.
We attempt to collect every egg when we see it. Some girls (BA, BO) will sit on multiple eggs till we collect them. When they get up or climb in/out, perhaps they accidentally crack?
15 Eggs & rainy day
We've been getting great numbers but have had several broken eggs in past month...I tRy to catch and clean as fast as I find it to prevent eating, but this last one I failed:/ several found it before I did. I washed SLW face and beak as she had egg on it, others I just shewed off while I cleaned. How do I prevent this?
Only way I have heard of is to construct a special nest box. When the egg is laid it rolls to the back and down into a recessed area that the hens can't get to. I currently have a trail cam out to try to see who my egg eater is. When I find out which hen it is, I will cull that hen from the flock. (of course, since I put the trail cam out 2 days ago, no eggs have been eaten!)

14 eggs today from 24 hens. I'm going to attempt to determine who is past their laying prime and reduce my flock some. Sold 5 dozen eggs this evening!

14 eggs today from 24 hens. I'm going to attempt to determine who is past their laying prime and reduce my flock some. Sold 5 dozen eggs this evening!
I found 2 more going in to close the coop tonight for a even 12 of 20
hhmmm maybe my 5 dozen moved there... Naw she said after that they can get their own..
my oldest are just 2 now so won't have to face that for awhile

Chicken eggs 7 and three went into the incubator

Wow what a windy and cloudy day here the temp is in the mid 50's but by 3am the skys are clear and the wind but earlier today the wind nocked down a power pole so it was lights out for a wile .. Funny I was woken up making a lot of noise and flying around the house and banking into things what a racket so I went out side and could see nothing so after a wile I went back into the house and again more noise so this time I was thinking "matting season" so I went out and was walking around with a flash light and as I walked by a bush I thought I saw something, yep a set of eyes but that was all I could see for a seconded then I moved to the side and that was good enough another bob cat lurking or stalking so I pulled the little Rugger .22 from my pocket as it ran past me and I got a shot of and it jumped so I hit it again and it rolled then it ran under my truck all of this to my surprise so I jut waited a moment as I thought I had hit it and really I hate to just wound a wild animal but then I got down on my belly and looked under the truck and there it was looking back at me so it was defiantly hurt bad to have stayed there so long so I hit it one last time, I knew I should have picked up the .45 pistol but it is so heavy that I have to put on a belt so I can put the pistol in my pants pocket .. These cats are really out this year .
Only way I have heard of is to construct a special nest box. When the egg is laid it rolls to the back and down into a recessed area that the hens can't get to.  I currently have a trail cam out to try to see who my egg eater is.  When I find out which hen it is, I will cull that hen from the flock.  (of course, since I put the trail cam out 2 days ago, no eggs have been eaten!)

14 eggs today from 24 hens.  I'm going to attempt to determine who is past their laying prime and reduce my flock some.  Sold 5 dozen eggs this evening!
I like that idea and have seen it. Hubs not sure about it though. We are trying to stop it and if I find out who, they are gone.
That's awesone about your sale:) we love selling that many at once.
Are you doing alright?

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