How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

3/6 The winter is getting to them.

I had one sick chicken, she was vomiting.
Flipped her on her back and let the gunk flow.
I gave them some garlic pepper "tea".

She seems to be better now.
Okay fun here had to run to Olympia for the BF had a eye doctor appointment
coming home lots of snow flurries I-5 quickly going from 75 to 40 by the time we started up the exit to ours
northbound I-5 quickly becoming a parking lot we were headed south to 12 East
got within a mile of home van does a 360 stops aimed at ditch but our side and a bit sideways
BF slowly puts her in reverse she backs herself up and away we went taking side rd past the bulb farm
into town avoiding the light at the highway... now home safe and sound the birds water is froze
filling tin bucket with snow setting it down birds went cool
12 of 18 + 2
11/18- stepped on one egg under the the beddings in the run
. All 4 waterers frozen, time to bring out the expensive new water w/ heater
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