How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Only 4 today from the rock Hens. I think my Ameraucanas are going to go thru a light molt at 8 months. Down feathers all over and no eggs from one for over a week and the off 3 days now. I have increased their proteins :(

They're too young for molt but these shorter days have really messed them up. Those two go to the coop way before the rick hens do, every night.
I'm so sorry:/ I'm feeling a few black australorps or becoming extra fluffy as well.
Ugh. Just found mites I think. Not in the coop but on the porch near one of the boards we removed from the coop. They are floating in a slight puddle sort of the way some ants do.

Unfortunately all the coop is wood, and 2 of the roosting bars were in there before the coop remodel...
We got a brand new layer:) baby buff orpington laid 1st egg. 26wks yesterday. Got pecked on entire time from golden comet:/ now hopefully this will encourage the other brooder mates to lay as well-another baby buff and gold laced wyandotte. I say baby buff as we have 2 bigger buffs (actually 3 bigger ones now)

Got 14 keep able eggs, the new girls eggs we don't keep till out of quarantine.
I got one more egg today! It's definitely from Peaches. Marta and Tomi are very close to laying! What is leg banding? Why yes, I am a NOVICE.
Thank you!
Y'all!!!! I have my first egg!!!! So excited! I believe it was either Marta or Peaches, my golden buffs. They are 23 weeks old today! Oh happy day!!!!!

Congrats on the first egg, so exciting!

Rain today, yea. Let it rain. Let it rain. Let it rain. Were in a severe drought. 5/5 today. GC

We could sure use some rain here also. Especially to help put out these huge forest fires.

2 eggs today.

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