How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Always a good feeling getting that nice count right?? is for me ;) I had 1 when I went to let them out
this morning 8 am made changes yesterday
taking out another box so they have six left had one on top of others still
bought two more cinder blocks 8 x16 plain old style used one to stabilize one I put down
yesterday the other let me move the one on top in line with other two
now two rows of three. did my cleaning by then had 5 more. went back with some stuffing mix from the franz store
non seasoned bread crumbs
We spend allot there they let us choose one from a rack they keep usually
pick something for the hens and Blue.. going back out with that found 3 more
with girls in 3 boxes also..
sitting at 9 now of the 18 + 2 much too young still
adding three more for 12 even dozen
ahh yes most certainly does! I don't like these small numbers:/
kinda set myself so I will not be without this
spring getting several at different times
lol. I wanted to do this as well; 12 last spring, 12 this spring. So I always have layers and new additions but my chickens math skyrocketed. end of the this week, we will have an additional 7 layers to our 19 layers!
So I've been fighting with 3 hens sleeping in the nesting boxes. 2 of them for a few weeks now. Well... I might have found my issue.

We built and open style coop, or mostly open. It has 4 sides and a roof but 3 of the sides have at least 2 ft of ventilation. For the summer that's great but apparently for the winter not so much. Last year we had put a tarp over the roof and sides due to a leaky roof, but that tarp covered 2 1/2 of the coop vent spaces (basically everything but the door).

So I noticed checking the girls this evening that rather than have 5-6 on the top bar with the rest on bar 2 I have 2 on the top 2 on the second 5 on the 3rd (there are 4 bars) and 2 girls in the nesting box). Ok I'll piont out the 4th bar is too low and sits maybe a few inches below the nesting boxes, my bad.

But it looks to me like the girls are feeling that the upper bars are too cool with the weather right now so rather then sitting up high they are coming down, forcing my lowest 2 in the pecking order to move to the boxes.
Congratulations. It's been a long time since I ran races. I used to do 10k. I should start that back up again.
Thanks Chicken Canoe. A friend asked me the other day if I had thought about trying a longer race, but I don't think I'm ready for that yet! I just started running in August to keep myself in shape and help keep my blood sugar numbers lower.

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