How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


Here is a good picture of my eggs in the last 4 days, same hen or 2 different ones?
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Two hens. I have never heard of a hen laying drastically different shades from day to day. Some of my girls have gotten lighter, some darker over time, but consistent day to day. GC
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I have 4 roosters, but only need 3. I am trying to decide between 2 EE roosters. I am hoping that you all will look at these pictures & help me decide which one to keep. Thanks. These first 3 pictures are of candidate # 1 The 3 pictures above are candidate # 2. Both of them are about the same age, with in a few months of each other anyway. The winner will be guardian over my EE hens. Let me know what you think. If you have any questions, just ask. Thanks for looking.
imo I'd go with roo #1, I've seen these colors before and I preferred them
Got 1 from new girl today and 1 yesterday while on way home from the poultry show (surprised me LMBO), other 2 laid yesterday.
These girls are quarantined so we don't use their eggs until everything is a-ok
Really thrilled to get girls already laying :)
Regular girls, haven't stopped for the day so don't have a count yet. We got 14 yesterday.
Got 1 from new girl today and 1 yesterday while on way home from the poultry show (surprised me LMBO), other 2 laid yesterday.
These girls are quarantined so we don't use their eggs until everything is a-ok
Really thrilled to get girls already laying

Regular girls, haven't stopped for the day so don't have a count yet. We got 14 yesterday.
Always a good feeling getting that nice count right?? is for me
I had 1 when I went to let them out
this morning 8 am made changes yesterday
taking out another box so they have six left had one on top of others still
bought two more cinder blocks 8 x16 plain old style used one to stabilize one I put down
yesterday the other let me move the one on top in line with other two
now two rows of three. did my cleaning by then had 5 more. went back with some stuffing mix from the franz store
non seasoned bread crumbs
We spend allot there they let us choose one from a rack they keep usually
pick something for the hens and Blue.. going back out with that found 3 more
with girls in 3 boxes also..
sitting at 9 now of the 18 + 2 much too young still
adding three more for 12 even dozen
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1 today.
Yesterday's brown egg was a different shade, so should have 3 laying now, though it may be one of the oldies who only lays a couple a year.

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