How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

We had a light freeze last night, so today I harvested all of the green peppers still growing in my garden.  I was telling my daughter that I brought in 21 green peppers! And already had a large bowl of them on the counter.  She said I should try to sell them to my "Chicken Friends" and tell them that they are special  chicken eggs!  LOL!
I love green peppers, my favorite, I'll take 4. GC
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I've seen that idea too, but so far haven't constructed anything that sturdy or big. I tried a raised screen that had been inside an aquarium,but without support on all 4 sides it isn't doing anything. Plus, it's only as big as the bottom of a 10 gallon aquarium.
I am hoping to construct mine this week or next, Maybe do some fall type crops in it and then do a hoop house over the top. I will be doing the "chicken salad" type mix. We don't get a lot of freezing weather here, so I just have to keep it from washing away in the rain. Hopefully by spring I will have a dozen or so of the boxes made for our main coop.
We have frost every night now.

But it was really nice yesterday.

8 eggs today
2 today. Not bad considering I've been eggless for 4 months while my older birds molted and my younger ones grew. I'm thinking I might have a 3rd laying. Today's second egg was smaller than the last few.
I believe our first frost came in last night younger are good as fully feathered
now... old gals do not care no one really worried
sitting at 13 of 18 eo first robin egg was not to be again +02

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