How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

12 of 18 + 2 these are the two hatched a month ago clipped their wings today for the first time
awww. Where our roo went, they clip wings too. Never realized how easy and important it is to do it in certain situations. We may have to for our girls, seeing as one EE was over the fence yesterday:/ poor thing was scared to death and is still scared today.
We ended up with 15 eggs again:)
very happy numbers. Thinking we'll have new layers by month end + getting 3 new pullets this weekend which will get numbers up.
We ended up with 15 eggs again:)
very happy numbers. Thinking we'll have new layers by month end + getting 3 new pullets this weekend which will get numbers up.
took about 3 minutes each tomorrow night we get to do the 16 in the
main coop and take my roos spurs off
Ive got 20 chickens laying.  15 ISA Browns, 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes and 3 Brown Leghorns and have never gotten 20 eggs in one day.  Still puzzled.
Of the chickens you have, only the ISA Browns are capable of an egg a day for weeks on end, with proper nutrition and limited treats.
I have a sex-links type of chicken and get 150 eggs a month from 5, 32 week old pullets. Their treats are limited to scratch grains twice a day, what they consume in 10 to 15 minutes and a healthy serving of grass cut into 2" lengths or smaller. No kitchen or table scraps.
5/5 today. GC
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12 of 18 + 2

Oh I made the mistake of reading this wile eating lunch and yes you are correct it is not a comfortable feeling having coffee flow out your nose and it took me some time to clean up the computer screen .


3 eggs

Temp high 70's and light and steady winds and clear skys
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