How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

12 of 18 + 2

3 more at 9am, cold as ice. For a total of 5/5.
I have been letting the eggs sit in the collection pail a few hours to bring them up to room temperature when it's below freezing and the eggs are cold as ice, before I wash them.
Anyone else do that? GC
3 more at 9am, cold as ice. For a total of 5/5.
I have been letting the eggs sit in the collection pail a few hours to bring them up to room temperature when it's below freezing and the eggs are cold as ice, before I wash them.
Anyone else do that? GC
if you do not wash until you use them they will last forever
but great on the exacto
I know, I know, unwashed eggs last for millions of years, about twice as long as washed eggs. But I sell most of my eggs, and they want them washed. (They are the BOSS) :) GC
Only 5 eggs today. Sort of chilly and overcast and rained most of the day.

I have someone coming by to buy 5 dozen eggs tomorrow evening, then I'll be down to 2 eggs plus whatever the girls give me tomorrow.
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