How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

alive going about the day as usual 12 of 18 + 2 just now
have not looked in an hour or so will be back out about 8 or so did get
the nesting box I decided to make in the bachelor pad 2 x 2 just one box
have it all sitting in the barn just now will paint it tomorrow put it day after
getting the 10 x 20 repaired so the chickens will have that to go in the garden away from the
other dogs main gate to the garden snow can go in to protect her flock
whew! What a day. That sounds like it could work:D We only had a day with my husband this week:/ so not much winterizing got done but did cover big spaces in coop.
Lol I Hate That! So you get a varied amt each day as well then? Glad I'm not the only one with those specific numbers.
I do get varied numbers...many of my girls are new(ish) layers, so it doesn't surprise me too much. The random egg nowhere near the coop did, though.
11 of 18 + 2 this morning did get a good solid coat of
paint on the outside of the bachelor pad as it is being called
right now my own hatch of 2 that seem to be pullets are in there
till they grow up and can go in the main coop with the others
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