How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Glad to here it is working @sawilliams for you
I am at 8 of 18 but with the old tarp coming out mostly yesterday
now getting set to cut a few boards to make a nesting boxes
in my Bachelor pad second coop so I can use it for more
than cockerels it would max out with 4 birds
unless freezer birds one could grow up close to 8
I've read that too but even natural treatmentselection may have their limits. The kids need to carve thier pumpkins soon, I'm sure the girls will love the treat.

My 6 year old came home from school today with a big bag of pumpkin guts. His teacher carved their pumpkins and I asked for left overs
. Our ladies are having a blast right now.
My 6 year old came home from school today with a big bag of pumpkin guts. His teacher carved their pumpkins and I asked for left overs
. Our ladies are having a blast right now.
I bet they are mine sure did when I have them the one
as we carve our we will hand the guts to them not all five at once
giggle will freeze a few for later
11, we had a late layer. Got 1 this morning, came home to 9 more then this late one. It's harder to distinguish who laid which brown egg now lol. Golden Comet, Black Australorp, Buff Orpington colors
2!!!! Finally got a pullet egg! Yay! The pullets will be 21 weeks tomorrow. I was so excited to find a pullet egg, my husband said I was crazy, haha.
There 20 hens in the pen and 3 rooster. Only the large hens are laying. The bantams arent laying
My other pens are laying much right now. The Ameruacana bantams lay nothing today. Either did the ameraucana standerd
The olive egg layer.
Lay 3 eggs out of 5 hens .
I keep a light on it the coop and once a week i add cayenne pepper to feed.

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