How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

0 eggs from 6 chickens. Only one lays currently although 3 are 24 weeks and nothing from them yet.

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Hey guys. So I think (pretty sure after research) that my girls have tape worm. I need to check the feed store for valbazen I have all the info I need. They are on strike 3 right now becuase that's all I have.

But my question is since worms don't die in the soil and of course it's fall meaning the soil is wet and bugs come to the top more often after the first 2 doses should I just go ahead a retreat then in the spring (6 months) or wait it I notice an issue again.

Between my 11 girls I have everything from watery poop, to yellowish foam poop to normal poop with white seed like wiggly things to totally normal poop. I've only confirmed the pests in 1 dropping though I had seen it in at least 2 or 3, but that's why we started treating becuase even before the actual discovery it was already clear there was an infestation.

Also is there anyway to treat the soil?
Happy dance!!!! 4th day in a row and I get a pretty green egg. I've watched her each time so I know who. Then guess what!!! I go out there because the dog is barking and find..... a second one!!!! Yeah!!!!
sitting at 10 here of 18 plus 2 but started cutting the old tarp
that is under the new silver one turned into a mess so may
not have eggs for a week now

2 eggs found, I guess they all took the day off to rest .

Temp 84F degrees and mostly cloudy with some sprinkles later in the evening just enough to get the top of the ground damp .

I have been doing that with all the old eggs I find and adding crushed egg shells to their feed to help them out in making thicker egg shells and I haven't any idea if it is working but the Molten Houdan ladys not producing any more eggs since I got the incubator up and running is rather disappointing .

My EE girls seem to really be the only ones producing any eggs for me at the moment .

Our desert tortes comes by every now and then but probably more often really then I notice and rarely do I have the camera ready and when I go and get it she is gone by the time I get back as they really move faster then most people think .

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