How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Sunday egg count

7 eggs but 5 of them came from my pullets the older ladys are resting

Temp 87F degrees with calm winds and clear sky's

Momma finally let me get a picture for her little chick but only after I washed off the dirt that built up on its little feet from going from the feed into the water it was such a mess but it walks much better now .

A wondering neighbor who we do not mind having stop by as it only wants food and water and a see ya later attune


I absolutely love your wandering neighbor!!!! He would be welcomed by me as well.
Today i picked up
3 Marans
1 Ameraucana Bantam and that darn chihuahua ate it. Went i wast looking.
2 olive eggs
12 frizzle
0 Ameraucana Standard
Sunday egg count

7 eggs but 5 of them came from my pullets the older ladys are resting

Temp 87F degrees with calm winds and clear sky's

Momma finally let me get a picture for her little chick but only after I washed off the dirt that built up on its little feet from going from the feed into the water it was such a mess but it walks much better now .

A wondering neighbor who we do not mind having stop by as it only wants food and water and a see ya later attune


I love the visiting tortoise! It's too bad your little chick doesn't have a sister or 2 to grow up with. Do you have any other broodies sitting on eggs?
What only 6 eggs I guess the ladys took off some time to rest and give thanks for their wonderful home
I have 1 whole coop that hasn't laid an egg in 4 or 5 days! There are 7 ladies in there, I guess they are on a molt egg laying strike! I even made them scrambled eggs the other day, but it didn't help, still no eggs from them!

7 eggs today 0 from the EE coop, 3 from the Black & white coop and 4 from the big coop. I don't know if I have a new egg layer in the black & white coop or if I just missed one last night. Do barred rocks or buff orpingtons lay white eggs?

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