How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I hear that. 11 pullets still too many weeks away, 6 older hens doing all the egg laying, and 7 more Cornish Cross females that will never get to laying age. They and their three brothers are slated for the freezer in a week.
We get on average, 2 to 5 most days, with 3 today. Did get 5 yesterday tho.
Only one yesterday, but it was broken in the nest
Sunday egg count

7 eggs but 5 of them came from my pullets the older ladys are resting

Temp 87F degrees with calm winds and clear sky's

Momma finally let me get a picture for her little chick but only after I washed off the dirt that built up on its little feet from going from the feed into the water it was such a mess but it walks much better now .

A wondering neighbor who we do not mind having stop by as it only wants food and water and a see ya later attune


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