How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


3rd egg. 3rd consecutive day. I am so happy with this superstar

she's pretty
Ended up with 11 and I was happy with this as it was an awful day for weather. Let's just say we have an awful lot of work to do for the coop- even more than we thought
so ending the day new tarp covering the door tonight
ending at 11 of 18 +2 old tarp piece is out of the run backing the
remainder of the old tarp as we move it back to leave just the new one

2 eggs found and then a fresh nest of 8 eggs so I took 7 of the eggs and left 1 egg so the girls will start laying eggs in the same spot as the ladys in that group only were hatched back June so I was very surprised when I started only giving the a little laying mash on Monday and bam eggs from the pullets and they are only 16 to 22 weeks old
Total eggs for the day was 9 and a neighbor took them and a small donation for the feed bill

Temp 88F degrees with clear sky's and calm winds nice day to go out and clean up the coops

My incubator is set and the Multan Houdan ladys stopped laying eggs and they were the ones I set the incubator up for
The store bought egg DID bounce. Survived 2 throws.
But it was cracked and broke easily for the girls.

I don't think I'll have an actual egg count until everyone is shut in for winter.
I'm finding eggs everywhere. Hubby says there are eggs in the cattle pens.

Expanding to another building that's about 4 times the size of the current coop.

13 eggs in the nest boxes

I have had to deal with such problems before and with winter coming on is a great time to do this pin them up and come spring they wont go far from the coop, I have several roo's that do not go more then 20 feet or 7 Meters from their roosting spot and it is funny to see chickens all over the yard but really each group has staked out their own grazing grounds and really the only ones who think they can go everywhere are the geese and the guinea and that fits me just fine as the geese and the guinea make so much noise when ever their is an intruder ...

Oh I do still get hens that put eggs in the back of the truck and under the sheds .

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