How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Low 80s yesterday High 60s today, still got 5/5 yea. GC
Good afternoon, so they are all over a yr old except 1, i have two plymouth rocks, the rest im unsure, i was told ameracauna for 4 white ones, i have three brown ones and the rest look like the pic attached, im very new to this so im still learning, i believe i am the second owner and third owner of all of these hens, and they vary from 1yr - 2.5 yrs apparently.
IMO it looks like you have Black Australorps among your flock (green glistens in the sun among the black coloring) check out the breed ID as penny mentioned..they are still transitioning to your coop and run areas, things take time.
6 eggs out of 7 hens plus 1 duck egg from my only duck

Here's all the eggs I have in the fridge at the moment

The white eggs are only duck eggs

looks wonderful!
How many are in the big bowl? My son wanted to know what kinds you have?

50 in the big bowl
33 duck eggs
21 in the smaller bowl
2 cartons

Most of the eggs are from my gold sex links, which are the brown eggs which are the eggs in both cartons and mostly in both bowls
Also in the bowls are some smaller white shelled eggs from my cream brabanter
And there are some tan eggs from my Buff Orpington/buff Cornish (I'm not exactly sure what breed she is)
And there are some darker Brown eggs from my Barnevelder
And the bigger bowl of white eggs are my duck eggs from my crested buff Orpington duck and I prefer to use her eggs for baking :)

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