How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Yesterday we had 4 layers and 4 eggs. One of our wyandottes started with her first egg today and we are 5/5. We got our first egg August 8th. We have one Black Australorp and one GLW still free loading but I would imagine they will join the game soon.
sorry to budge in...if layer feed has oyster shell in it, do we or should we add it or egg shell separate?
Thank you (ours are very close so I'll change to omega 3 but not sure about oyster shell yet
I feed a layers feed and I still got rubber eggs. I bought oyster shell and put it in a separate container near the feed and three or four days later no more shell less eggs. If they free range or you give them more than 10% scratch grains, corn or kitchen scraps. You may need to supplement with oyster shell, lime stone or egg shells. If they're not eating 1/4 pound or more of layers feed per full size hen per day. They may not get enough calcium. GC
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I feed a layers feed and I still got rubber eggs. I bought oyster shell and put it in a separate container near the feed and three or four days later no more shell less eggs. If they free range or you give them more than 10% scratch grains, corn or kitchen scraps. You may need to supplement with oyster shell, lime stone or egg shells. If they're not eating 1/4 pound or more of layers feed per full size hen per day. They may not get enough calcium. GC
wow! Didn't truly get how important it was to separate them. Definitely don't want rubber eggs:/ we've been collecting egg shell to place in extra tin, this is good isn't it? They don't need this till they lay right??
Thank you so much:)
21 eggs - came home after 8pm and they're already tucked in for the night, boy it's going dark early. So they didn't get their fermented feeds before bedtime.
I think the popular thinking is most people free ranging or feeding treats cuts down on calcium intake so it is a good idea to put it out separately.

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