How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

21 from 28 - pretty cool but We haven't had perfect score ratio since our first batch
7/11 pullets that are over 20 weeks. The other 40 pullets haven't broke the 20 week mark yet. And I just adopted a flock of 2 and three year old layers today so hopefully they aren't too stressed and will just March on into laying tomorrow. I am sold out of eggs even before they start laying!
Well we have gotten four eggs so far today including the second for sure egg from our Easter hatch chick, Super Chick. We may have one older chick laying and I believe we do but I can not confirm it so I won't claim it.

Either way the spring chickens are beginning to lay and I'm so proud!!! We also found a hidden nest that helps to explain our recent complete lack of eggs although not entirely as the seem to all be bantam eggs or blue and green eggs.

Not knowing the age of them they were all thrown. Never have I seen so many EE eggs lol. I did not count them as I was too short to reach them and some got broken while being grabbed. No development so no worries.

Why wait to have a big event (wedding bash) if in the years waiting your loved ones leave and can't share the love, hugs, smiles? Example: my Mom was in a car wreck and died son of 38 was recently killed, my daughter moved over 700 miles away and wouldn't be bothered to come for the buriel because of kids schedules and pets-livestock. Life is too unpredictable...a few years and , pooof.
And my mom in law has stage 6 dementia so we know that side, also. Best wishes and long life.

I completely see your point of course but we want to be out of debt and start our lives together debt free.

It is something we have been considering more and more and more.
Well ladies and gents today we got 6 or 9 I can't remember.

One of our chocolate English Orpington girls layed her first egg today a shell less egg out in the middle of the yard. Lol so she's a bit confused. She's 21.5 weeks and I'm oh so proud. The egg was of a decent size in spite of it being her first. We also yesterday got what I'm now almost certain is our white sport cream legbar pullet's first egg. It's incredible!!!! Will have to try and snap some pics tomorrow. We also have at least two of our younger pullets laying as well.

That's the best egg found we've had in weeks and I hope it continues to improve. :)
Definitely an idea. Our first event was because the dog bummed the coop door latch trying to see in. We put one of the cariben type clips through the latch so it couldn't be knocked over. But so far the run gate hadn't been an issue as I just avoid maintenance on windy days.

How would the bungee cord work if I usually prop the run gate open when they free range? Would it interfere or would I still just propped it like normal?

Not sure how your setup is. Mine is totally enclosed including the top. We put a bungee from inside the run to the door of the run. Our door opens out. If I go in the door automatically shuts behind me. If I open the door really wide, it will stay open. It is at the top of our door. I guess it works that way because we do not have it pulled super tight to begin with. Hope that gives you an idea.
29/29- counts climbing up and we have a downpour rain for a change.

Update: went to help with church fundraising after work came home and checked if hens are all tucked in (10:10 pm) lo and behold 3 more eggs under the roost from new layers!
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