How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

105 today 6 eggs out of 11 laying 12 total. My 2 darkest girls gave up about a week ago and aren't giving me any eggs right now.

It's supposed to get up to 112 on Thursday... yuck
14 eggs today. It was a little cooler today. I didn't notice the girls panting so much today. I also gave then chilled cantaloupe seeds & pulp.
I actually give treats of frozen watermelon thankfully we have 2 apple trees
and a very old pear tree full of fruit pop them in the freezer over night before giving them to the birds
Just found another egg (while the dog found it) gives me 7 of 12? Today. I'm not sure who's it was possibly my lone none layer of the 12. This appeared to be shell-less and looked small like the other pullet eggs have been so far. And was laid on the out side during free range time in the new unfinished nesting boxes. Unfinished as in I haven't closed the out sides up all the way or opened the inside for access. (We are modifying for more roost space inside).

Anyways I didn't see it at first. I heard the dog locking something as I was checking my one girl that has a case of leg mites. I looked down to see a membrane and egg goo that she gladly ate all up... one lost egg but I probably would have given it to her anyways...

Each of my 4 layers gave me an egg today. One hen lays pink eggs, and one hen lays aqua eggs. Two hens lay beige eggs. Two Cuckoo Marans should start laying brown eggs any day now. I have week old chicks hatched from the pink and aqua eggs. It will be interesting to see what color eggs those hens will lay.
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Each of my 4 layers gave me an egg today. One hen lays pink eggs, and one hen lays aqua eggs. Two hens lay beige eggs. Two Cuckoo Marans should start laying brown eggs any day now. I have week old chicks hatched from the pink and aqua eggs. It will be interesting to see what color eggs those hens will lay.

OMG it looks so purple in the picture. So pretty.

Each of my 4 layers gave me an egg today. One hen lays pink eggs, and one hen lays aqua eggs. Two hens lay beige eggs. Two Cuckoo Marans should start laying brown eggs any day now. I have week old chicks hatched from the pink and aqua eggs. It will be interesting to see what color eggs those hens will lay.

What breeds are your pink and aqua layers? The aqua looks flvery bright and beautiful as well. And that link does looks so purple!!! I'm totally drooling. Lol

Do you take your hatching eggs out of your turner before hatch? And if so when? My current hatch is funky. Eggs removed from turner all hatching with issues while eggs still in turner are fine and running around in 8 hours.

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