How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I feel like I'm going to have my hands full with her.
A week ago I thought a hawk got her. I couldn't find her anywhere. She was probably under that stupid ramp trying to hatch her 20someodd unfertilized eggs. For a whole day I thought she was gone. Told the kids and all. Next day she was back like nothing happened.
How funny would it have been if I had a roo and she hatched this mess? I'd go out and there would be chicks every stinking where.
well mine cannot free range with 5 dogs of our own but 4/5 barred hens
other barred pullets now 17 weeks 2 black sex-links
1 true easter egger about 19 weeks I may be wrong this is olive
color more than a blue might be one of the blacks laying this egg every day
Got back in town today, took daughter to get registered for college out of state. 19 eggs today! 15 eggs from Wednesday/Thursday combined. Some of todays' 19 were laid Wednesday & Thursday, hubby didn't collect from the 2 coops that have broodies on nests. Wanted to be sure he didn't grab the wrong eggs
@karenerwin my hatch was a bust,bad placement of incubator. I only had 4 hatch out of 10, lost one though. Quail in the bator now and it was placed in a better spot hopefully.
@karenerwin my hatch was a bust,bad placement of incubator. I only had 4 hatch out of 10, lost one though. Quail in the bator now and it was placed in a better spot hopefully.
Sorry to hear that your hatch wasn't better. I too have had problems with bad placement of the incubator. My last 2 attempts at incubating were awful, 1 had none hatch & the other had 5 or 6 out of 34 hatch. Currently, I have 2 broodies sitting on eggs that should be hatching this weekend. 1 nest I don't think will hatch any, the other nest.... well, I guess I'll know in a few days.

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