How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

4/5 one took the day off here too 12 barred pullets 3 easter eggers gave away 4 barred pullets
I am looking for olive eggers 4
correction went back out found #5
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11/15 yesterday, 13/15 today
8/15 today and the first egg from my silkie girl that I got from chickendreams24. So cute and tiny!!! The chicken tractor is almost done and going to be a lot nicer than I thought. Chicks are growing like crazy!!
Oh ya I understand all of that I once ordered over a dozen Guinean or Kits and they were so small and more full of energy this I had imagined and I put these little Kits in a old rabbit cage my mistake as the holes were 1"X2" and the kits just ran right out of the cage and when I got back it was total carnage as only one kit was left in the cage and I still have him today but the others ware total snacks for the geese who were more then happy to chase them down and snack on them, wow would a way to learn about keeping creatures in a cage but keeping them out is really a interesting fact and really hard some times as my momma goose who chose this year to have a nest in the chicken coop had a had full of eggs the other day and this morning I noticed she had only one egg and this is a doubled walled shed with a porch purchased from Home-Depo so it was a solid structure when my father purchased it back in 2010 just before he passed as he wanted a coop with electricity so he could go in at night and not need to bring a flash light and a cooler so the heat would not lastly go over 130F degrees in the summer again so he could go in the coop and not pass out from the heat as he was eighty six years old at the time .

But problems are all a part of raising poultry or any animal but the truth is children I did have less problems with

I understand your hubby's pain problems as the VA pay's me for 100% compensation for just being in daily pain and they are the ones who gave me the geese and ducks for rehabilitation there idea was it would wake me get up every morning and feed them and water but it is defiantly not a ten minute job as most would think ...

Oh I did not put in my Saturday egg count ..

9 eggs

6 eggs from the control group

3 eggs from the free range chickens
but I did find where the girls were depositing the eggs

Temp 82F degrees with 20 MPH winds all day, nothing like chewing on sand when I go outside

Ya them chickens have brains alright they put the eggs behind some 55 galleon metal oil drums in one of the sheds and they have old oil in them so they are more then heave and I am unable to move them anymore

Here is a zoom in of the new nest I found and there are more eggs scattered around that are not in the picture and the camera is on a selfie stick I barrowed from a neighbor ..
Now if the wind would just die down a bit so I could go out and finish some task in the yard

At least you are still getting a good egg count! I guess the wind & sand are bothering you more than your girls! You need one of those grabber things then maybe you could reach the hidden nest & remove the eggs 1 at a time!

I got 18 eggs today! A friend of mine told me that her husband cuts grass for someone that isn't allowed to have chickens in the neighborhood and so has had an empty chicken coop for a coop of years. She said she'll have her husband ask them if they want to get rid of it. If they do, I told my hubby that I would use it to raise up a couple of turkeys for Thanksgiving/Christmas. I saw turkey chicks for anywhere from $7.99 to $15.99 & more.

10 eggs

5 eggs from the control group

4 eggs from the free range chickens

1 goose egg

Temp 83F degrees and windy all day again

I got me some young boys coming over tomorrow to look for eggs and I do believe they will find more then 30 egg at least that is my perdition

@karenerwin, I sure wish I could get some Turkeys in that price range anyway I sure hope you get the coop as I am sure you would enjoy raising a big fat Turkey for Thanks giving and another for Christmas but I normally have a gander for Christmas and there is always a family member who brings a Turkey but my Goose grave always disappears long before the dinner is over and the funny part is I always bring several more galleons that I save up over the year ...

So do you get the grass cuttings from your friend as I would such a thing and When I see the yard maintenance personal at the school I ask for the bags of grace and my chickens geese and ducks really enjoy the fresh cut grass to eat and just to sit down as we haven't any growing here

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